Accessing alternative S3 Object Stores in OutSystems Developer Cloud Exercise Lab

Accessing alternative S3 Object Stores in OutSystems Developer Cloud Exercise Lab


10 min read

When you hear S3, you probably think of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). It is an object storage service that lets you store any amount of data (objects) and offers extra features like data lifecycle management, encryption, object events, and more.

Over the years, S3 has become a de facto standard not only provided by Amazon Web Services. Multiple storage vendors, such as Dell, have integrated S3 capabilities into their solutions. Additionally, there are hardware-independent software solutions that let you build S3-compatible storage using any hardware or wrap other non-S3 cloud storage services like MinIO. Finally, you will find other cloud providers that offer an S3-compatible service, like IONOS Cloud, Digital Ocean or CloudFlare.

That said, it doesn't have to be an Amazon Web Services hosted S3 object store. You can choose from various options, including storing your objects on-premises.

OutSystems does not have a built-in feature to store objects. The default method is to store objects in a Binary Data field within an entity, which may not be the most efficient way for several reasons. I discuss some of these reasons in my article:

S3 is a great choice, and the existing components on OutSystems Forge make it easy to integrate with your application. Using S3 frees you from relying on a specific storage solution, making data and application migration straightforward. In this exercise lab, we will explore how to use the available Forge components for S3 to connect to both public and private S3 object storage services.


Before we start with the scenarios make sure that you have installed the following Forge components

  • AWSSimpleStorage (External Logic connector)

  • AWS Simple Storage Service Demo (Application)

Both Forge assets are maintained by me. The official S3 connector for ODC does not have the options needed to complete the exercise lab.

Scenario 1 - Public S3 Store

When I mention a public S3 store, I mean an S3 service available over the internet, as opposed to a private S3 store that resides in your own data center and is not accessible online.

This one is pretty straightforward. We are using IONOS Cloud here, but you can use any other S3-compatible service of your choice.

Create Access Credentials

To be S3 compatible, a service must provide an Access Key and Secret Access Key for authentication.

  • Log in to your IONOS Cloud account. If you don't have an IONOS account, you can create a free trial account here. Note that account verification may take up to 24 hours.

  • In the top menu of the console, click on Storage and select IONOS S3 Object Storage.

  • Under Key Management, click Generate a key and copy the Access Key and Secret Key values.

Endpoint URL

When using AWS Simple Storage Service, the AWS SDK automatically selects the correct service endpoint URL for you. For a custom S3 store, you need to specify the endpoint URL (ServiceURL) yourself. The IONOS endpoints are available here:

We will use contract-based buckets and use as the endpoint URL.


Open the AWS Simple Storage Service Demo application in your browser.

  • Paste the Access Key and Secret Access Key you retrieved from the IONOS S3 Object Store console.

  • Enter eu-central-3 for the region (note that the region is not used for custom endpoints).

  • Enter for the Service URL.

  • Check Use Path Style. Most custom S3 Object Storages require this setting to be true.

Perform the following steps:

  • Create a new bucket using the Put Bucket operation.

  • Upload a file to the created bucket using the Put Object operation.

  • Check the IONOS S3 Object Store console.

Open the AWS Simple Storage Service Demo application in ODC Studio:

  • Double-click the client action CreateBucketOnClick in the PutBucketForm block.

  • Click on PutBucket in the flow and check the configuration details of the external logic function.

The minimum configuration elements for working with a public S3 Store are:

  • AccessKey and SecretAccessKey (configuration).

  • ForcePathStyle set to true (most likely, but depends on the S3 Store you use).

  • ServiceURL set to the S3 endpoint of your public S3 Storage service.


Accessing an alternative public S3 store is quite simple. You just need an endpoint URL and access credentials. The official AWS SDK for S3 also works with third-party S3 alternatives, which reduces effort and makes it easy to switch from one provider to another.

Scenario 2 - Private S3 Store

This scenario is more complex and will take more time to go through, especially if you haven't completed my other exercise lab, OutSystems Developer Cloud Private Gateway on AWS Exercise Lab, which is a prerequisite. Click on the following link to learn how to create a private subnet in an AWS VPC, activate the OutSystems Private Gateway, and install and configure the OutSystems Cloud Connector.

This setup represents a private environment, meaning it is not directly accessible from the internet. Therefore, you need an active OutSystems Private Gateway to access private resources.

For this exercise, we are setting up a private S3 Object Store using MinIO. MinIO is an AGPL-licensed, fully S3-compatible enterprise storage solution.

We begin by launching a new EC2 instance for the MinIO installation in our private subnet.

Launch an EC2 Instance

Switch to the EC2 Dashboard in AWS Console. In the Instances menu click Launch instances.

Name and tags

  • Name: odc-minio

Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Images)

  • In the Quick Start tab select Amazon Linux

  • Make sure that Amazon Linux 2023 AMI is selected for Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Instance type

  • Make sure the t2.micro is selected as Instance type

Key pair (login)

  • Select or create a new ssh key pair for the instance

Network Settings

Click on Edit to modify the default settings

  • Select odc-vpc from the VPC dropdown

  • Select odc-vpc-subnet-private from the Subnet dropdown

  • Make sure that Auto-assign public IP is set to Disable

  • Choose Select existing security group in Firewall (security groups)

  • Select the default security group in Common security groups

Configure Storage

  • Increase the the root device storage to 30GB

Leave default values for the rest and submit with Launch Instance.

SSH to EC2 Instance

Make sure you configured the EC2 Connect Endpoint

We will use the aws-cli to connect to EC2 instances via SSH through our created EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint. For more connection options, check the documentation.

In the EC2 Dashboard, go to Instances and copy the Instance ID of the EC2 instance you want to connect to.

Open a terminal and enter the following command:

aws ec2-instance-connect ssh --instance-id <your ec2 instance id> --connection-type eice

Upon successful connection you should now see your Amazon Linux prompt.

Install MinIO

Installing MinIO in standalone mode is quite simple. Start by downloading and installing the MinIO package with:

wget -O minio.rpm
sudo dnf install minio.rpm

The package installs a systemd service description that starts MinIO under the minio-user user and group. However, it does not create the corresponding user and group for us, so we need to do that next.

sudo groupadd -r minio-user
sudo useradd -M -r -g minio-user minio-user

Next we create a directory where minio can store objects and change the owner

sudo mkdir /mnt/data
sudo chown minio-user:minio-user /mnt/data

The final configuration step before starting the MinIO service is to create an environment configuration file. This file is referenced in the service description. Run the following command:

sudo nano /etc/default/minio

and add the following details

MINIO_OPTS="--console-address :9001"

MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_USER_PASSWORD set the username and password for the MinIO root account. We will need these credentials later to sign into the web console.

Exit nano with CTRL-X and save the file.

Now we can start the service with

sudo systemctl start minio.service

You can check the status of MinIO with sudo systemctl status minio.service. If MinIO has started successfully, you can enable the service with

sudo systemctl enable minio.service

Launching MinIO Web Interface

MinIO has a user-friendly web UI running on port 9001. However, we cannot directly access the private subnet of our VPC, and thus, the MinIO EC2 instance. Fortunately, we can use our configured EC2 Instance Connect to establish a port tunnel. For this, you will need the following:

  • Your private EC2 instance PEM key file

  • The private IP address of your MinIO EC2 instance (found on the Instance Details Page)

  • The instance ID of your MinIO EC2 instance (found on the Instance Details Page)

Run the following command in a terminal window

ssh -i '<Path to your>\<ec2 private key>.pem' -L 9001:localhost:9001 -N -f ec2-user@<Private Instance IP Address> -o ProxyCommand='aws ec2-instance-connect open-tunnel --instance-id <Instance Id>'

This will create a port tunnel from your local port 9001 to the remote port 9001 running the Web UI of MinIO.

Open a browser tab and navigate to localhost:9001.

To quit the ssh tunnel press CTRL+PAUSE.

Create MinIO Credentials

After you successfully signed in to the console, select the Access Keys menu and click on Create access key.

Leave the defaults and submit the form by clicking Create.

Copy both the Access Key and Secret Key. We will need these later to connect to our MinIO environment.

MinIO is a powerful storage solution with many options for permissions similar to Amazon Web Services S3. We just created credentials tied to our root user, giving us access to almost everything. Check the MinIO documentation to learn how to configure and secure a MinIO installation.

Configure OutSystems Cloud Connector

To use our private MinIO instance from OutSystems application we have to extend our Cloud Connector configuration.

  • Connect to your OutSystems Cloud Connector EC2 instance using the aws-cli.

  • Open the Cloud Connector service description file with

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/odccc.service

Add a tunnel configuration for R:9000:<instance ip address>:9000 to forward requests from port 9000 of the secure gateway to port 9000 of our MinIO instance running the S3-compatible API.

Your configuration file should look like this now

Description=OutSystems Cloud Connector

ExecStart=/opt/odccc/outsystemscc --header "token:<token value>" <address> R:9001:<instance ip address of MinIO>:9001


Note that if you followed the previous tutorial on connecting a private PostgreSQL database via Private Gateway, you can also add an additional port forwarding. In this case, the ExecStart command should look like this:

ExecStart=/opt/odccc/outsystemscc --header "token:<token value>" <address> R:5432:<instance ip address PostgresSQL>:5432 R:9001:<instance ip address of MinIO>:9001

Restart the service with

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart odccc

and check the service status with sudo systemctl status odccc.

With our Private Gateway connection now configured, we can give it a try.


Open the AWS Simple Storage Service Demo application in your browser.

  • Paste the Access Key and Secret Access Key you retrieved from the MinIO console.

  • Enter eu-central-1 for the region (note that the region is not used for custom endpoints).

  • Check Use Private Gateway. This configuration tells the external logic integration to use the OutSystems Cloud Connector for connecting.

  • Enter 9000 for Secure Gateway Port. (The left part of the port forwarding configuration in ExecStart of odccc service)

  • Check Use Path Style. Most custom S3 Object Storages require this setting to be true.

Perform the following steps:

  • Create a new bucket using the Put Bucket operation.

  • Upload a file to the created bucket using the Put Object operation.

  • Check the MinIO console.

Open the AWS Simple Storage Service Demo application in ODC Studio:

  • Double-click the client action CreateBucketOnClick in the PutBucketForm block.

  • Click on PutBucket in the flow and check the configuration details of the external logic function.

The minimum configuration elements for working with a public S3 Store are:

  • AccessKey and SecretAccessKey (configuration).

  • UseSecureGateway set to true.

  • SecureGatewayPort set to 9000.

  • ForcePathStyle set to true (most likely, but depends on the S3 Store you use).


Connecting to a non-public/private S3 Store involves configuring the OutSystems Cloud Connector to link the private S3 resource with your OutSystems Developer Cloud stage. Once set up, the interaction with the store is identical to using a public S3 store.

The End?

You have reached the end of this exercise lab, and I hope you successfully connected with both alternative public and private S3 object stores. If any parts need more details or are unclear, please let me know.

Please note that external logic connectors have a maximum payload of about 5.5MB. If you need to store and retrieve large files, you should use client-side upload and download. You can read more about it in my article: File Uploads from OutSystems Reactive Web Client to AWS S3 Using Pre-Signed URLs | ITNEXT ( (OutSystems 11, but applies to ODC as well). This method works with public S3 stores only!

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